So obligatory Boo photo for the nanas:
The Boo ready to get this show on the road...FINALLY! (He was ready hours before we were and if you know the Boo you will know that patience is something he will learn in the future.)
So our destination was the Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park where South Africa borders Botswana and Namibia. I'll have to recreate our route in Google Maps, but if I stop and do that now, you'll never see this post. Anyways, there are 2 ways to get there, go north and then cut east, or go east and then head north. Diagonal was not an option and since we were planning to camp our first night on the road and the northern route was boasting temps in the 40's C (bloody hot!!) well... on our first day we went east in to the Great Karoo.
There is much to say about this amazing space that takes up 40% of South Africa's geography. And, yes, this is where Tim spends his time when "at the telescope." But for now let's suffice to say that:
A) Parts of the Karoo look (and according to Tim, smell) a lot like New Mexico:
After way fewer hours of driving then we initially anticipated (I love traveling in kilometres, makes the trip seem to fly by...) we arrive at Karoo National Park. We had been tipped off by the youngest daughter of our favorite Finnish family that the campground had resident tortoises and within minutes of arriving we were delighted to see at least 5 really large ones just chomping away at the grass.
We had to educate the Boo on how to and how not to approach these large creatures (running at them with arms flailing while whooping fell in to the "how not to" category...) The Boo was mightily entertained following them around while we set up camp. It seems these tortoises are quite attracted to anything that is bright green, such as the Boo's Crocs. The Boo wasn't so sure he appreciated being the pursuee and not the pursuer:

A very good start to our first SA road trip and a very happy Boo who can't get enough camping.