The weekend before Christmas we took the above road - Chapman's Peak Drive - to get to the below beach - Nordhoek.

I can't really explain in words what great rejuvenation I am gaining from being so near to so much ocean. Due to the (amazing!!) geography of the peninsula, this beach is basically a wind funnel and consequently the sand is powdery soft.

At one point I just sank down in to that velvety sand and zoned out staring at the waves. I actually achieved a state of calmness that I have only ever approached through guided meditation. I was so zeroed in to my own consciousness that I was completely unaware of anything or anyone around me except the movement of the waves.
Fortunately, Tim was on the ball enough to keep a close eye on the Boo as they navigated the rocks, the tide pools, and the pounding surf.

Happy day...

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