So it was Saturday and since I have switched to working out in the mornings, it was time to sleep in. Consequently, we got a late start to our day. I know, quite shocking! (for those of you who don't know us well, we are late on a legendary scale...) First order of business was to get the Boo a haircut. Once that was accomplished it was time to eat. We ended up at the Millstone, the cafe with the awesome
treehouse we spoke of in a previous post. It also had this very cool swing and lots of other great outdoor places to play. Consequently, brunch went on for hours, which suited us just fine.
Since it was a gorgeous day with little to no wind, we thought a sojourn to the beach would work just fine. By now it's late in the afternoon and the Boo didn't get a ton of sleep the night before. He passes out in the car as we are trying to figure out which beach to go to. Since we want him to nap a bit we decide a beach a bit further away would be a good idea giving the Boo plenty of time to sleep in transit, plus we knew our friends Bruno and Antoine were at Boulders Beach checking out the
When we were at Boulders last weekend we had lamely forgotten to bring our beach gear. Now we may be slow but we do learn, so we figured we could do Boulders Beach round 2, only this time we were ready to swim and play. So off we went to Boulders.
And this is why being slow pays off - not only were the crowds on their way home by the time we got there but large parts of the beach were now in shade AND as the people left and the sun dipped, the critters came out.
This curious penguin was just a meter or two from our beach towel and kept on eye on us for quite a while. Eventually, he decided that things were safe and took a stroll across the beach. The Boo gave chase though we did explain the difference between "watching" and "harassing" the penguin, and he backed off a bit.
As the penguins kept criss-crossing the beach singly and in pairs, we were visited by a small family of Eqyptian geese, a dassie and a large-spotted genet.
Finally, as sunset neared we thought it best to pack up and find a restaurant to enjoy the last rays of the day. On our way out of Boulders Beach, we caught a couple of penguins making a break for it.
They hopped down to the asphalt and toddled off up the hill and away from the beach together, two for the road ;)
We headed back up the road a bit to
Kalk Bay and our current favorite seaside restaurant the Brass Bell. Where we enjoyed the sunset and I finally remembered to photograph the yummy, and beautifully presented, Cape Malay Curry (only this time Tim ordered it with chicken instead of the butternut and lentil I had previously.)
Love it when a full day at the beach can start at 4pm!
Oh good God, this place sounds heavenly. And penguins!!!!